This color pastel drawing was inspired by a friend who said she'd like to live in a log cabin; it would just be her and her goat.
This charcoal drawing was created for my Drawing 1 class at SCAD Atlanta.
These two color pastel drawings were created during my time at the Ocee Community Art Center. They were both displayed in the center's art exhibition in 2008.
This is an example of Trompe L'oeil that I created for my Drawing 2 at SCAD Atlanta. The objects are meant to look as though they are on the canvas.
This sculpture was made from wire in my 3D Design class at SCAD Atlanta. It was displayed at SCAD Atlanta's Beyond the Dot in 2010.
This sculpture was made from crushed toy cars to resemble a junkyard for my 3D Design class. This sculpture no longer exists.